Some people collect autographs, some collect antiques, others collect stamps. My hobby is a little different, I collect bars. This site represents my collection, documenting each bar I visit.
This is not a review site, there's plenty of those already. Most posts in this bar diary are slice-of-life recaps of the half hour or so I spent having a beer. I hope you enjoy browsing through my collection!
--ScooterJA Few Random Favorites
Jumpin Jack’s
15 July 2011(St. Joseph, MO) Formerly Old Lamplighter Inn Scooter’s 908th bar, first visited in 2011. Every barhopping trip includes one bar that is so far beyond our expectations that it ends...
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Winslow’s City Market Barbecue
07 September 2005(Downtown, Kansas City, MO) Scooter’s 30th bar, first visited in 2005. BBQ restaurant with a separate bar on the other side of the kitchen. The bar opens to the largest...
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Chuck’s Bar
02 June 2011(North Historic District, Savannah, GA) Scooter’s 882nd bar, first visited in 2011. This was the first bar we spotted after descending the steps to the riverfront. It’s a quirky, funky...
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Biker-friendly Archive
#1110: Victoria’s Bar
Posted on August 2015 | No Comments(Terra Heights, Topeka, KS) Scooter’s 1110th bar, first visited in 2015. A small dive bar on the south end of Topeka. This is a full bar (not 3.2). There’s a... -
#1108: Bookie’s
Posted on August 2015 | No Comments(Harrisonville, MO) Scooter’s 1108th bar, first visited in 2015. We stopped in here briefly to have a beer while waiting for a tow truck. While we were on the phone... -
#1103: American Legion Post 58
Posted on May 2015 | No Comments(Smithville, MO) Scooter’s 1103rd bar, first visited in 2015. This was an unplanned stop. We were intending to go to a bar in Plattsburg, but exited in Kearney when we... -
#1097: Ichabod Laundra Bar
Posted on April 2015 | No Comments(Quinton Heights, Topeka, KS) Scooter’s 1097th bar, first visited in 2015. This dive bar is accessed through a strip mall laundromat. It was a little intimidating in here at first,... -
#1096: The Spot
Posted on April 2015 | No Comments(Quinton Heights, Topeka, KS) Scooter’s 1096th bar, first visited in 2015. A nice little dive bar in a residential neighborhood. There’s a covered patio with picnic tables, free popcorn, and... -
#1093: Stevie Rae’s
Posted on April 2015 | No Comments(Likins Foster, Topeka, KS) Scooter’s 1093rd bar, first visited in 2015. This rather-hard-to-get-to bar just recently opened and was prepping for a birthday party. It’s more of a pool hall,... -
#1079: Wagon Wheel
Posted on April 2015 | No Comments(Emporia, KS) Scooter’s 1079th bar, first visited in 2015. This was originally going to be our third Emporia stop, but after we learned of its quirky weekday hours we decided... -
#1078: Bishop’s Brew
Posted on April 2015 | No Comments(Ottawa, KS) Scooter’s 1078th bar, first visited in 2015. We started out our weekend road trip with a couple of bottles at this 3.2% beer bar. There’s pool tables, a... -
#1076: Hard Core Cafe
Posted on February 2015 | No Comments(Gladstone, MO) Scooter’s 1076th bar, first visited in 2015. This was our last stop of the night and honestly it’s mostly a blur. It was very busy but we lucked... -
#1050: WWW Sports Bar
Posted on August 2014 | No Comments(St. Johns, Paducah, KY) Scooter’s 1050th bar, first visited in 2014. Stop #8 on our 9-states-in-1-day pub crawl, representing Kentucky. We had planned on staying here for a little while,... -
#1048: CJ’s Chatterbox
Posted on August 2014 | No Comments(Paragould, AR) Scooter’s 1048th bar, first visited in 2014. The 6th stop in our 9-states-in-1-day pub crawl, representing Arkansas. This little dive near the eastern end of Paragould has almost... -
#1040: The Elbow Room
Posted on August 2014 | No Comments(Beals, Omaha, NE) Scooter’s 1040th bar, first visited in 2014. This really great neighborhood dive looks sketchy from the outside but is well worth stopping in. Very friendly staff and... -
#1036: No. 9 Saloon
Posted on August 2014 | No Comments(Gladstone, MO) Scooter’s 1036th bar, first visited in 2014. A biker bar in a former Harley Davidson dealership, apparently it’s been there for a year and I never noticed it... -
#1018: Morgan’s Place
Posted on June 2014 | No Comments(Fisk, MO) Scooter’s 1018th bar, first visited in 2014. My notes for this bar have vanished, unfortunately. But what I do remember, besides the pool tables, is that I sat... -
#1016: Cooter Brown’s Bar & Grill / Bear Foot Burgers & Beer / Bears Lodge 521
Posted on June 2014 | No Comments(Puxico, MO) Scooter’s 1016th bar, first visited in 2014. Every bar I went to today had several people drinking in it except this place, where I was all alone except... -
#1014: Tool Shed Saloon
Posted on June 2014 | No Comments(Kinder, Puxico, MO) Scooter’s 1014th bar, first visited in 2014. This is one of those places where if you don’t know it’s there, you’re not going to find it. It’s... -
#1011: Long Branch
Posted on November 2013 | No Comments(Essex, MO) Scooter’s 1011th bar, first visited in 2013. This tiny hangout in a tiny town was pretty close to packed when I arrived. Unlike most of the other bars... -
#994: Centerfield
Posted on August 2013 | No Comments(Shubert, NE) Scooter’s 994th bar, first visited in 2013. This place is kind of unusually shaped. The bar forms a central core (floor to ceiling), and the space wraps around... -
#991: Linemen
Posted on August 2013 | No Comments(Downtown, Nebraska City, NE) Scooter’s 991st bar, first visited in 2013. I first tried to go here during a visit back in 2009, but arrived in Nebraska City too early... -
#987: Kap’s Tavern
Posted on August 2013 | No Comments(Downtown, Shenandoah, IA) Scooter’s 987th bar, first visited in 2013. Walking in from the bright sunshine outside, we stumbled a bit in what initially seemed like complete blackness. It took... -
#984: Guy & Mae’s Tavern
Posted on June 2013 | No Comments(Downtown, Williamsburg, KS) Scooter’s 984th bar, first visited in 2013. Guy & Mae’s is a little hole in the wall bar that, apart from the dollar bills hanging from the...