Some people collect autographs, some collect antiques, others collect stamps. My hobby is a little different, I collect bars. This site represents my collection, documenting each bar I visit.
This is not a review site, there's plenty of those already. Most posts in this bar diary are slice-of-life recaps of the half hour or so I spent having a beer. I hope you enjoy browsing through my collection!
--ScooterJA Few Random Favorites
Hair of the Dog Pub
13 November 2010(Downtown, Chattanooga, TN) Scooter’s 799th bar, first visited in 2010. We’d pulled off in Chattanooga looking for one particular bar whose name intrigued us. We found that it no longer...
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Ruckmoor Lounge
20 November 2022(Crosswoods, Columbus, OH) Scooter’s 1587th bar, first visited in 2022. We almost cut this from our itinerary because we were running an hour behind, but we are so glad we...
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George’s Pub
06 April 2019(Harbor View, Milwaukee, WI) Scooter’s 1320th bar, first visited in 2019. Back last November, a couple of Canadians came into Zoo Bar on a Saturday. They liked to travel, and...
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Memphis Archive
#944: Alfred’s On Beale
Posted on November 2011 | No Comments(Downtown, Memphis, TN) Scooter’s 944th bar, first visited in 2011. We were going to go all the way to the east end of Beale and work are way back, but... -
#945: Rum Boogie Cafe
Posted on November 2011 | No Comments(Downtown, Memphis, TN) Scooter’s 945th bar, first visited in 2011. Technically I had already been here a year ago, but it was only to use the restroom so I didn’t... -
#943: Club 152
Posted on November 2011 | No Comments(Downtown, Memphis, TN) Scooter’s 943rd bar, first visited in 2011. We came in here because a band was playing, the band went on break right as we ordered our drinks.... -
#942: Silky O’Sullivan’s
Posted on November 2011 | No Comments(Downtown, Memphis, TN) Scooter’s 942nd bar, first visited in 2011. Big Irish bar with a large beer selection and a comprehensive menu. The long bar runs most of the length... -
#854: Rendezvous Charles Vergos
Posted on November 2010 | No Comments(Downtown, Memphis, TN) Scooter’s 854th bar, first visited in 2010. This is a famous basement BBQ place located in a basement in an alley a few blocks north of Beale... -
#851: B.B. King’s Blues Club
Posted on November 2010 | No Comments(Downtown, Memphis, TN) Scooter’s 851st bar, first visited in 2010. Our next stop on Beale Street was packed. There was a cover charge, but it was only $3 and I...