Some people collect autographs, some collect antiques, others collect stamps. My hobby is a little different, I collect bars. This site represents my collection, documenting each bar I visit.
This is not a review site, there's plenty of those already. Most posts in this bar diary are slice-of-life recaps of the half hour or so I spent having a beer. I hope you enjoy browsing through my collection!
--ScooterJA Few Random Favorites
Big John’s Corner Bar
03 March 2008(The Square, Independence, MO) Scooter’s 440th bar, first visited in 2008. A very tiny, long-standing institution in the heart of downtown Independence. Since this was my first visit we were...
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J and J Roadhouse
22 November 2008(Belton, MO) Formerly Jaudon Hideout Scooter’s 511th bar, first visited in 2008. This was a surprising find. Who’d have expected to find a bar at 203rd & Holmes? And how...
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Boiler Brewing Company
21 November 2018(Downtown, Lincoln, NE) Scooter’s 1301st bar, first visited in 2018. Spectacular brewery in the basement of the Grand Manse building, a former courthouse. Accessed from a stairwell in an alley....
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