Some people collect autographs, some collect antiques, others collect stamps. My hobby is a little different, I collect bars. This site represents my collection, documenting each bar I visit.
This is not a review site, there's plenty of those already. Most posts in this bar diary are slice-of-life recaps of the half hour or so I spent having a beer. I hope you enjoy browsing through my collection!
--ScooterJA Few Random Favorites
Ninja Moose Brewery
23 May 2015(Hamilton, MO) Scooter’s 1102nd bar, first visited in 2015. Located in a former telephone building, this brewery opened just last year and is drawing crowds from many miles away. There...
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DankHouse Brewing Company
16 August 2019(Newark, OH) Scooter’s 1360th bar, first visited in 2019. This is a very cool tap room, and in addition to having good beer of their own, they have several guest...
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Coconut Bay Cafe
13 November 2010(Manchester, TN) Scooter’s 804th bar, first visited in 2010. The bartender at Irma’s Place told us there were no other bars in town. We headed back to I-24, but crossed...
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Puxico Archive
#1016: Cooter Brown’s Bar & Grill / Bear Foot Burgers & Beer / Bears Lodge 521
Posted on June 2014 | No Comments(Puxico, MO) Scooter’s 1016th bar, first visited in 2014. Every bar I went to today had several people drinking in it except this place, where I was all alone except... -
#1015: Puxico Bar
Posted on June 2014 | No Comments(Downtown, Puxico, MO) Scooter’s 1015th bar, first visited in 2014. This bar, which looks like it was originally a house, features an L-shaped counter and a couple of pool tables.... -
#1014: Tool Shed Saloon
Posted on June 2014 | No Comments(Kinder, Puxico, MO) Scooter’s 1014th bar, first visited in 2014. This is one of those places where if you don’t know it’s there, you’re not going to find it. It’s...