Some people collect autographs, some collect antiques, others collect stamps. My hobby is a little different, I collect bars. This site represents my collection, documenting each bar I visit.
This is not a review site, there's plenty of those already. Most posts in this bar diary are slice-of-life recaps of the half hour or so I spent having a beer. I hope you enjoy browsing through my collection!
--ScooterJA Few Random Favorites
Dew Drop Inn
24 August 2013(Downtown, Hiawatha, KS) Scooter’s 997th bar, first visited in 2013. Kansas’s “Beer Bars” (also known as “3.2 Bars” or “CMB Bars”) are almost always unexpected treats. Since they are licensed...
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Come Back In
13 August 2016(Downtown, Madison, WI) Scooter’s 1158th bar, first visited in 2016. A dive-ish bar that shares the same kitchen (and I believe owners) as Eseen Haus but has a different menu....
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St Paul Archive
#1625: Urban Growler Brewing Company
Posted on March 2023 | No Comments(South St. Anthony Park, St Paul, MN) Scooter’s 1625th bar, first visited in 2023. This was supposed to come before Bang Brewing, but I made a last-second switch. Dumb idea.... -
#1624: Bang Brewing Company
Posted on March 2023 | No Comments(South St. Anthony Park, St Paul, MN) Scooter’s 1624th bar, first visited in 2023. This was originally planned to be my last brewery of the night. It was a late... -
#1623: Black Stack Brewing
Posted on March 2023 | No Comments(Hamline-Midway, St Paul, MN) Scooter’s 1623rd bar, first visited in 2023. This brewery is located inside a giant abandoned factory that has been repurposed into separate spaces for an eclectic... -
#1622: Waldmann Brewery & Wurstery
Posted on March 2023 | No Comments(Irvine Park, St Paul, MN) Scooter’s 1622nd bar, first visited in 2023. If I can be quite honest for a moment — I don’t actually particularly like the beer styles... -
#1621: Bad Weather Brewing
Posted on March 2023 | No Comments(Irvine Park, St Paul, MN) Scooter’s 1621st bar, first visited in 2023. Though the location made this a natural choice, the primary reason I picked this brewery was that I... -
#1620: Gambit Brewing
Posted on March 2023 | No Comments(Downtown, St Paul, MN) Scooter’s 1620th bar, first visited in 2023. On Google Maps this was a bit tricky to find, but I eventually determined from photos I found on... -
#1619: Barrel Theory Beer Company
Posted on March 2023 | No Comments(Downtown, St Paul, MN) Scooter’s 1619th bar, first visited in 2023. The first part of today’s walking portion of the adventure was simply a short walk directly across the street.... -
#1616: Saint Paul Brewing
Posted on March 2023 | No Comments(Dayton’s Bluff, St Paul, MN) Formerly Flat Earth Brewing Scooter’s 1616th bar, first visited in 2023. My first stop of this day was something absolutely spectacular! Originally named Flat Earth...