Some people collect autographs, some collect antiques, others collect stamps. My hobby is a little different, I collect bars. This site represents my collection, documenting each bar I visit.
This is not a review site, there's plenty of those already. Most posts in this bar diary are slice-of-life recaps of the half hour or so I spent having a beer. I hope you enjoy browsing through my collection!
--ScooterJA Few Random Favorites
Stand-Up Frank’s
12 August 2006(North Side, Minneapolis, MN) Closed, but a new bar has opened in the same location. Painted lime green, redecorated with a zombie theme, shows horror movies, and now called “Donny...
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Grains & Taps
12 June 2021(Downtown, Lee’s Summit, MO) Scooter’s 1462nd bar, first visited in 2021. This brewery and restaurant/taproom grew from the Grains & Taps home brewing store a few blocks down the street....
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