(Downtown, Fargo, ND)
Scooter’s 1778th bar, first visited in 2024.

On almost every bar trip I take I come across at least one place that blows me away. But this takes the cake. Hands down my absolute favorite bar find of this trip — or of this year — or perhaps even so far this decade. I am not Norwegian nor can I came any Norse ancestry, but I was completely blown away and felt truly at home here. This place alone is enough reason for me to want to make another trip to North Dakota.
When I first arrived there were only two other people here, sitting off against the far wall. By the time I was left, it was filling up as an accordion band was getting set to play.
The signature drink here is aquavit — a spirit from Norway that I’d never heard of. It’s similar to vodka, but with a strong herbal flavor. For at least the Linie brand, it is aged in oak sherry casks which are then sent to sea to rock in the waves and cross the equator twice — I kid you not. I was served a flight of it in a little Viking ship. The flavors in the flight were Citron, Dill, and Caraway. The Caraway was my favorite of the three. After I finished the flight I got a fourth shot — this time of the base version of aquavit (which is the standalone bottle in the photos below).
As I was drinking that 4th shot a couple came in who stumbled across this place out of sheer luck — they had just checked into their hotel and were heading into downtown for dinner when they saw the sign outside. They were in North Dakota for the exact same reason I was — to scratch off a bucket list state. This was their 50th state, so the visitor center (which I would be going to the next day) took their photo and gave them free shorts and “Saved the Best for Last swag”. Sadly for me this was my 49th state, as I still need to get to Hawaii. So no free swag for me. (I’m too honest to lie about it.)
As I was getting ready to leave I noticed a poser on the wall for a beer whose name made me do a double-take, and I just had to have a can of it for the name alone. So I re-opened by tab for that beer and also to buy a shirt.
Drinks consumed here: Dill Aquavit, Citron Aquavit, and Caraway Aquavit (Älskar). Then I had Aquavit Original by Linie (Norway), and finally Aass Pilsner by Aass Bryggeri (Norway).
722 2nd Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102
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+1 (701) 232-9222
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