(Downtown, Omaha, NE)
Scooter’s 1713th bar, first visited in 2023.

After Leavenworth Bar we headed out to revisit The Elbow Room, which we had both previously visited in August 2014.
While at The Elbow Room we made the decision to return to out hotel for dinner. But then we had second thoughts, fearing that once we got to the hotel we might not go back out again. So we decided to find someplace to eat along the way. That led to us Crescent Moon Ale House, which I had previous visited in October 2009 but my friend had not visited, where we both had rather good food and met a Lupulin Brewing rep who gave us swag and bough me a beer.
FINALLY, after that, we returned to our hotel (the Magnolia) and made out first visit to the hotel bar.
There was some confusion as to the name of this place as the hotel web site called it “Olive & Ira’s”. But the sign in front said “The District” so that’s what we went with.
We had decided upon our arrival that we would have one drink here, then head back out to visit one or two more nearby bars before calling it a night.
I had an Old Fashioned while my friend had a bourbon. Then I had an espresso martini while my friend had more bourbon. The bartenders were great (both with drink making and with being fun), and we enjoyed ourselves so much here that we ended up staying until nearly close and then just headed back to our room. We would end up visiting this bar two more times during our stay — Saturday night where we closed it, and Sunday morning for a boozy brunch. In the end between all the visits I had 1-2 old fashioneds, 3-4 espresso martinis, an AKRS Cream Ale by Zipline Brewing, two Irish coffees, and one more cocktail that I can’t remember.
Overall, this proved to be my favorite hotel bar so far.
1615 Howard St
Omaha, NE 68102
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