(Phillips, Minneapolis, MN)
Scooter’s 1607th bar, first visited in 2023.

This brewery wasn’t on my intended list because it was too far from the area I wanted to concentrate on today. But because I got off to such an earlier than planned start, I realized while I was at Finnegan’s that I had plenty of time to make a side trip here.
This was a slightly challenging brewery to find. It’s located in some sort of massive indoor marketplace, something I’ve seen in a couple of other cities but that we don’t have back home. The huge building had multiple entrances and the Uber driver had no idea which to drop me off at, so I just picked one figuring I’d find the place eventually. I ended up wandering around inside for several minutes before I finally found it. (Because of this, the exterior photo above was actually taken last, when I left.)
I had the Tsathoggua (don’t ask me how to pronounce that — an imperial stout) and the Tsathoggua Special Infusion Ancho Chile & Fudge
The Royals home opener game was on (or because of where I was, probably more accurate to say the Twins away opener game was on), and based on the amount of cheers that kept erupting I didn’t even have to look up to know that the Royals were getting their asses kicked.
920 E Lake St #123
Minneapolis, MN 55407
United States
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(612) 666-0422
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