(Downtown, Macon, GA)
Scooter’s 788th bar, first visited in 2010.

Because of the name, we expected more of a trendy night club. Instead we found what seemed to be a pretty normal, relaxing beer/cocktail bar. There was a pool table and a juke box. There were several people at the bar, so we got a couple of bottles of beer ($1.75) and sat at a nearby table.
Sitting near us at the bar was a woman who kept falling out of her sweater. B and I kept watching her and quietly joking about it.
Suddenly, from the back, a guy resembling Lafayette from True Blood came sashaying in and bounced from lap to lap of several of the guys at the bar. As we watched his antics we soon noticed that “he” had breasts.
Looking around the room, we noticed that another woman had an adams apple. Then we noticed that some of the women kinda looked like men.
I noticed B furiously pressing keys on his phone, then he turned it and held the screen in front of my face to show me his search results. “Macon’s premier crossdressing night club”, “Hottest gay bar”, “Great alternative lifestyle scene”…
We didn’t realize it at the time, but what we saw turned out to be only a small part of the overall place. We had no idea there was a bigger room that is more of a night club format, or that there’s an outdoor bar as well.
425 Cherry Street
Macon, GA 31201
[launch map]
(478) 755-9383
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