(Downtown, Milo, IA)
Scooter’s 746th bar, first visited in 2010.

Milo was always going to be a last-minute decision. We were on a schedule, and Milo was about thirty minutes out of our way. But we ended up making good time and decided to go for it. I’m glad we did!
The Main Street Station has multiple rooms, all in one big line. There were pool tables throughout. The bar itself is fairly small and about in the middle of the building, to the left of it is a kitchen.
After we got our beers we met the owners, Serena and Jeff. Our bartender’s name was Cindy. Jeff was busy working the pizza oven, while Serena and Cindy were making umbrellas in preparation for a luau.
The main feature of the menu is wood-fired pizza, using a pizza oven imported from Italy. Pizza was indeed part of our plan for the evening. They very nearly talked us into it, but we had already committed to another place later in the evening for our pizza fix.
So, instead, the bartender bought us Jell-o “shots”. And I use the term “shots” likely, because these suckers were H-U-G-E! Almost a meal in and of themselves. They had to be chewed up and eaten in several bites.
There had been a wedding reception underway across the street, and a couple of people from there came over to the Main Street Station about the time we were working on our Jell-o. We got to talking with them and when they heard of our barhopping adventures they bought us another round. Thanks!!!
With both the detour, the Jell-o, and the extra round, this detour ended up taking us from an hour ahead of schedule to an hour behind schedule. But it was well worth it, this is where we had the most fun all day! Funny how the places that are the most out-of-the-way end up being the best.
The train whistle…
How far we went out of our way…
120 Main St.
Milo, IA 50166
[launch map]
(641) 942-6401
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