(Nord East, Minneapolis, MN)
Scooter’s 162nd bar, first visited in 2006.

We arrived just as 200+ scooters started pulling in for a scooter party. We dashed inside to get our drinks before the bar would be overwhelmed. As we stepped inside we heard the bartender tell a server “Remember, they are not mopeds, they are scooters.” The bartender gave us the strictest ID check we had ever experienced, and my KS ID was extremely scrutinized. Only 1 drink at a time would be served per ID. The decor was very tikki – an island theme with bamboo and lots of Polynesian style sculptures and statues. The floor was covered with wood floor print carpeting.
2519 Marshall Streeet NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
[launch map]
(612) 788-9069
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